Agile Lean Six Sigma Education

Black Belt Certification Training

Agile Lean Six Sigma DMAIC is a structured problem solving methodology to run improvement projects. It is a proven approach to turn problems into viable solutions that work, are successfully implemented and generate a measurable impact that is sustained.

Six Sigma, Lean as well as Agile Management are nowadays common methodologies used to run improvement projects by many organizations around the globe. Professionals from any function and industry successfully practice Agile Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are globally recognised as highly skilled project managers who deliver through their projects sustainable results that matter to customers and their companies. Black Belt projects are frequently cross-functional, and result often in savings or other financial gains of several hundred thousand Euros per project.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course with certification

Why to participate

  • Create value for customers and process improvements with bottom-line financial results
  • Build trust and passion for project teamwork and improvements in your organization
  • Master a structured problem solving approach with intermediate problem solving tools and methods
  • Deliver successful projects, and see the improvements being sustained long after the project closure
  • Advance your project and program management competencies
  • Prepare for your Lean Six Sigma Belt Belt certification, a recognition in a high demand on the employment market worldwide
Learn advanced analytics on Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia or elsewhere

typical participants:

Professionals at all levels in the organisation who: 

  • lead or will lead rather complex process improvement projects or programs
  • full-time project managers

At Business Excellence Academy our objective is to make your learning straightforward, fun and successful in the end.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn how to generate sustainable improvements with bottom-line financial results
  • Understand differences and commonalities between Agile Management, Lean and Six Sigma
  • Master a structured problem solving methodology (DMAICwith many effective tools and methods to run your improvement projects. Especially; learn how to:
  • Define, scope and staff your projects to set them up for a success
  • Establish and lead high performance cross-functional project teams
  • Grasp and evaluate needs and expectations of your customers and other key stakeholders relevant to your project
  • Map, analyze and improve current processes
  • Collect facts and use analytical methods to quantify and analyze problems, and to evaluate results from implemented solutions
  • Develop and implement solutions that work and are accepted by those involved
  • Deliver measurable impact from your projects, incl. financial benefits
  • Sustain improvements over time
  • Analyse data in Minitab, a statistical software with many intermediate and advanced analytical methods
  • Learn how to get work done effectively and quickly with Agile Management methods
  • Get ready for your first (or a next) Agile Lean Six Sigma Black Belt project
  • Pass the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam, and prepare for the Black Belt certification

course duration:

  • 15 days (three blocks of five days each)

“He who would search for pearls must dive below.”

— John Dryden


  • PC users
  • Analytical competence
  • Skilled in MS Excel and PowerPoint or equivalent softwares
  • Project management experience or potential
  • We strongly recommend that course participants come to the training with an actual project idea to work on. This allows you to apply learnings from the training on real work situations already throughout your Black Belt education.

Work on a real project from the beginning of your Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course to maximize your learning experience. ​


The course can be given in any of the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Czech


  • Download a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt education brochure, or contact our Master Black Belt. See Iveta´s contact information below.

Learn from a certified Master Black Belt, who has been practicing, training and coaching Yellow / Green / Black and Master Black Belts across functions, hierarchies and industries in the USA, Germany and other European locations for more than 20 years.

your trainer:

Our Agile Lean Six Sigma Black Belt courses are taught Iveta Grüttner, an experienced certified Master Black Belt and Lean Sensei (Coach).

Iveta has been leading business transformations and programs almost 20 years now. She consulted global corporations across industries, functional organisations and continents. As a coach, she mentored more than 200 transactional and strategic projects. Furthermore, Iveta trained over 600 professionals in Lean Six Sigma.

Since 2018 Iveta leads the Business Excellence Academy.

Iveta Gruttner, founder of the Business Excellence Academy

Iveta grüttner

in-house courses:

Do you prefer an in-house learning focused on your work environment? Coupled with our coaching and mentoring, we assist you to apply Agile Lean Six Sigma properly on your projects. 

In that case, we come to your site, and tune the course to your business needs and schedule. 

In order to find out more about an in-house course at your desired location, please get in touch with us!

Interested in Teaming Up with Another Company for a Joint Course? Then, let us know!


Would you like to have a Lean Six Sigma course just for you and your project team? 

Then; consider for your Black Belt education our individual one-to-one Black Belt courses with embedded coaching. You learn the theory, and immediately apply it on your own project.

In individual one-to-one courses we tune the methodology, tools and methods to your problem on hand.


Coaching sessions are one-on-one discussion with an experienced Master Black Belt (MBB). The MBB becomes your coach and mentor in regards of Agile Lean Six Sigma application in real word situations. He or she will assist you to apply the Lean Six Sigma methodology on your Black Belt project. The coaching sessions take place remotely or in the form of face-to-face meetings.

When you book your coaching sessions together with the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course, you are eligible for a 10% discount. To learn more about our coaching offerings, visit our Coaching and Mentoring page.

Would you like to get also a hands-one support with your Lean Six Sigma project? Book with the Black Belt course also your coaching sessions!


Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification is highly valued on the current employment market. Participation on the Black Belt course together with a Black Belt exam belong to Lean Six Sigma certification requirements. The Business Excellence Academy Black Belt courses are concluded with an optional Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam. We will be systematically preparing you throughout the entire course for the Lean Six Sigma application in praxis and also for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam.

To learn more about the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, please visit our certification page.