Delivering Results That Matter

Business Analysis
for Organisations

Our in-depth Business Analysis for various types of organisations help leaders to quickly set a new path forward. In many case, Analyses are end-to-end diagnostics of value chains. If you lead a supply chain, you are an COO, a CFO, a Chief People Officer, a Head of Project Management, Operational Excellence or another leader with big dreams and challenging goals, we love to work with you. 

Why Organisational Diagnostic?

Guided with passion, our end-to-end Analysis are comprehensive, fast, tailored to your needs and with a focus on buy-in.

As the purpose and approach to the Diagnostic are customised to the particular client, the potential and outcomes differ. Still, the figure below highlights some of the examples of typical leavers and benefits we are finding.

“Analysis Is the Critical Starting Point of Strategic Thinking.” 

— Kenichi Ohmae

Concretising New Path Forward

An Analysis is a diagnostic of the current situation of an organisation (or a value chain). The main purpose of the Analysis is to identify appropriate leavers to meet or exceed strategic ambitions of the given area. From this regards, reasons and approaches of the Diagnostics differ. In deed, it depends on needs and situation of the particular client.

Contact us to schedule an informational meeting for your Analysis Proposal.

Generally, we assist leaders to take their organizations on a new journey. Sometimes leaders know exactly, what they want to achieve. In this case, we  look for defining concrete initiatives and gaining buy-in in their respective areas of accountability. Other times, our clients want us to validate their intentions or to provide them with a comprehensive analysis of their organisation first. In any case, each of our assignment has a client sponsor, who brings us on board. And, of course, his (or her) success is the key driver for us. 

Of course, the Diagnostic provides you with in-depth analyses and associated key findings, as well as with a proposed detailed path forward.

Evaluating Strategic Alignment

Larger companies translate their corporate strategy into concrete strategic actions for individual businesses, value chains and respective organisations. In some cases, there are more strategies relevant to a particular organisation. Consequently, there is one broader strategy requiring cross-functional collaboration and ownership, and the second strategy dedicated to the given function.

Explore more about our approach to create Actionable Strategy

“A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history.” 

— Mahatma Gandhi (1893–1948)

In any case, in bigger and global corporations there are many leaders who influence the overall corporate success (or failure). Often, the leaders are in various organizations. Not rarely having different bosses. Sometimes, they even belong to different companies. Still, their organizations depend on each other. As leaders, they either have a defined written strategy, or a clear vision in their heads. 

If the strategy is not in writing, it is always beneficial to validate if the strategic aspiration is aligned and complementary. In any case, if the strategic ambitions are in a conflict, by pulling an end-to-end value chain to different directions it is hard to succeed.

That is, why our Diagnostic often starts with validating the strategic alignment among individual leaders.

Gaining End-to-End Transparency

Experts, knowing a lot, have sometimes difficulties to provide an in-depth, but to-the-point overview of their responsible areas. At the same time, it is not easy to capture the end-to-end perspective. However, leaders do need a comprehensive picture of their organisation to trigger transformational changes. A picture, which has its depth to be meaningful. And, at the same time; a perspective which is still high-level to be manageable. In deed, a solid transparency helps leaders to quickly evaluate the potential. So, they can trigger the right strategic initiatives and guide their organisations towards the success. 

For this purpose, we map end-to-end processes and supply them with key facts and figures. This in-depth overview provides you with key information to make the right decisions. At the same time, you discover quickly an unbiased state of your organisation. Even, when the organisation is a complex one! In deed, we uncover the complexity for you.

Are you interested in an example
of our End-to-end Process Scan?
Then, contact us to schedule an MS Teams informational meeting.

“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” 

— Dalai Lama

Establishing Buy-In For the Implementation

Of course, the Diagnostic is an analysis of the current situation. Thus, it aims to identify potential for getting better. Nevertheless; the identified potential becomes valuable only when the work gets done. As we all know, a change is not always easy. It is a process, which must be carefully orchestrated. By listening to opinions of your leaders and other key players, we foster engagement. And, engagement fosters buy-in and willingness to change

From this reason, we engage your leadership team(s) and your informal leaders to connect their perspectives and win some of their hearts. At the same time, we collect valuable experience in your organization and build upon to it. So, a meaningful change starts its way to a successful implementation.

“The future depends on what we do in the present.” 

— Mahatma Gandhi (1893–1948)

Contact us to get started with Proposal for Business Analysis of Your Organisation