Agile Lean Six Sigma Education

Master Black Belt Education

Master Black Belt (MBB) is the highest experience level in Lean Six Sigma. They are program managers, deployment leaders, trainers, coaches and mentors. In fact, MBBs often possess exceptional leadership capabilities and strong analytical abilities. Coupled with a passion for improvements and business transformations, they drive transformational changes. With other words, MBBs also design and implement Agile Lean Six Sigma transformations and programs. Furthermore, they train, coach and mentor numerous project teams at the same time.

“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”

— Chris Grosser

Master Black belt role:

  • Leads major strategic cross-functional improvement projects and programs
  • Assists his/her organization to set a winning strategy
  • Defines and staffs strategic, tactical and operational projects
  • Trains, coaches and mentors Green Belts, Black Belts and other project and process management professionals in Lean Six Sigma
  • Reviews project progress, and is accountable for a project portfolio in his/her area
  • Helps teams to remove obstacles on their process improvement journeys
  • Facilitates improvement workshops
  • Is a sparing partner to senior executives

Master black belt (MBB) education:

Lean Six Sigma MBBs are experienced project and program managers and change agents. Additionally, they are often  deployment leaders for Agile Lean Six Sigma and continual improvement. At the same time, they are experts in Agile Lean Six Sigma methods, tools and techniques. They act as Agile Lean Six Sigma trainers and coaches (scrum masters).

Our MBB education covers all competencies necessary to orchestrate exceptional transformational changes, and to deliver remarkable business results.

Master Black Belt career path focused on real life experience
Master Black Belt career path focused on real life experience

public courses:

Would you like to learn together with professionals from other companies and industries? So, you can enrich your learning also with their experience?

Is is just you or a couple of your colleagues right now to participate on a Lean Six Sigma MBB course?

Then; our public class is something for you to consider.

in-house courses:

Do you prefer an in-house learning for your Master Black Belts (MBB) focused on your work environment? In that case, we come to your site, and tune the MBB education to your business needs and schedule.

In order to find out more about our in-house courses at your desired location, please get in touch with us!


Would you like to have the course just for you? So, you can work on your topics together with an experienced Agile Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (MBB) in the class?

Then; consider for your MBB education individual courses with embedded coaching. You learn the theory, and immediately apply it on your own environment.


MBB certification is the highest recognition in Lean Six Sigma. It is highly valued on the current employment market worldwide.

Click here to learn more about our Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification.


We bring to the table practical hands-on methods and approaches. Together with our clients, we grow, innovate and improve their businesses and competencies. As a result, our clients deliver greater value to customers, company owners, employees and other key stakeholders.