Master Black Belt Education

Leading Strategic Change

It is said that more than 70% of transformations fail. There are still improvement programs which come, and disappear after a couple of years. Not because the company does not need improvements. Not because the used tools and methods were not adequate, or employees not properly trained. The change did not stick! Effective change, especially in large global enterprises, seems to remain a challenge. Leaders capable to drive effectively transformational changes in their organisations continue to be in a high demand.

In the Leading Strategic Change course we will discuss how to drive transformational change effectively in organizations.

Why to participate

  • Enable results which matter
  • Inspire and positively influence others
  • Build trusted relationships with others
  • Win interest and true engagement from your executives, managers, peers and other people around you
  • Gain the necessary support for your work, project, program, transformation or other journey you aspire
  • Learn practical tips and  tricks to drive transformational change in an organization
  • Practice change management in a safe environment
  • Make a transformational change fun
  • Prepare for your Master Black Belt certification
Excellence in simplicity and mastering our own change and progress at ease

Translate the learning and real-life experience shared in the course into a successful transformational change aspired by your organization.

Learning objectives:

  • Share and discuss real-life experience
  • View change from a perspective of an individual, a team and a larger organization
  • Learn various change management models
  • Understand key stakeholders in their diversity
  • Discover how to build trusted relationships
  • Practice effective communication and influencing strategies
  • Explore different leadership styles
  • Pay attention to organizational culture
  • Learn how to remove organisational roadblocks, and how to architect a transformational change
  • Evaluate change effectiveness
  • Draft a plan to drive a change you aspire


The course can be given in:

  • English
  • German
  • Czech

typical participants:

  • Executives and senior managers interested to lead through influence
  • Master Black Belts
  • Continual Improvement Deployment Leaders
  • Transformation Leaders
  • Program Managers
  • and anyone leading others or in charge of a major change program


  • No prior specific knowledge required

“People don’t resist change. They resist being changed!”

— Peter Senge

course duration:

2 days

The session is facilitated by an experienced change agent with two decades of experience in business transformations and program management in various sectors across continents.

in-house courses:

Do you prefer an in-house learning focused on your work environment? We will come to your site, and tune the Leading Strategic Change course to your schedule and business needs. 

To find out more about an in-house course at your desired location, please get in touch with us!

individual one-to-one courses:

Would you like to have the course just for you? Do you want to architect a strategic change for your program or organization directly in the course, while having an experienced change agent as a sparing partner?

Then; consider the individual one-to-one Leading Strategic Change course with the Business Excellence Academy. You learn the theory, and apply it on your own topic of interest right away.

In an individual one-to-one course we can explore in more depth the methodology and tools, which are of a greater interest and application for you. At the same time; we assist you to orchestrate strategic change for your program, transformation, a Lean Six Sigma (or other) deployment or for your organization in general.


The Leading Strategic Change course is part of the Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt education program. The participation on the course is one of the requirements for the Master Black Belt certification.

To learn more about the Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification or about other Master Black Belt education, please visit our  certification and education pages.