Continual Improvement
For Everyone

Together Delivering Results That Matter

Imagine that everyone continually improves the way the company operates. And at the same time, all the effort is aligned and is fulfilling the strategic aspirations. Then, solid business results will follow. Additionally, you and your people have fun. In short, business excellence as a win-win for everyone. In deed, this is what we stand for.

CI4e stands for Continual Improvement for Everyone, and this brand is proudly operated by the Business Excellence Academy, s. r. o.

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about our Capabilities

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our Offerings


Here are some of the key areas of our expertise. So, let’s make jointly your organisation even better than today!

Business Transformations

Transformations are not easy, and many of them fail on expectations. Still; when well architected and supported, they do succeed. We enjoy helping our clients to prove that also big ambitions translate into the reality. Both, significant business results and acceptance by your people, are possible in tandem.

Signpost Change
Strategy Game Chess

Actionable Strategy

Creating an inspiring vision for everyone, and defining concrete strategic actions, helps your transformations to get done successfully. As a result, you keep turning jointly and holistically the strategic ambition into a reality!

Explore more about Creating Actionable Strategy

Operational Excellence

Nowadays, corporations can not operate their businesses when compromizing quality or being inefficient. Our House of Operational Excellence enables to evaluate comprehensively and systematically where to advance your operational excellence. Together, we strengthen your operation, and provide more value to your customers.

Find out more about Operational Excellence.

CI4e-House-of-Operational Excellence
Monitoring business results

Fact-Based Collaboration

Even the best strategies are worthless when they are not executed. Indeed, orchestrated collaboration and fact-based steering enables you to successfully implement your strategy. Additionally, you to make sure that your operations run smoothly!

Continual Improvement Culture

Continual Improvement (CI) is nowadays part of many organizational strategies. Also; it is no secret that engaging everyone requires a cultural change. Although it is not easy, we launch with you a successful program. To win hearts of your people, and at the same time to deliver significant business results! Moreover, you build competencies to excel again and again.

Read more about our Continual Improvement approach

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt mastered the DMAIC framework

Agile Lean Six Sigma

With Agile Lean Six Sigma you master project and program management competencies. As a result, you solve complex problems, and improve your processes. Above all, you learn advanced analytics easily while having fun.

Read more how to master Agile Lean Six Sigma

Effective Communication

A well functioning communication connects people and enables effective collaboration. So; we help you to make your meetings, presentations and public speeches successful and fun. With hands-on practice and feedback, you will boost your communication skills!



To assist our clients on their business excellence journeys, we offer the following services:

Business Analysis

Business Analyses help leaders of any organisation set quickly their strategic ambitions on the path of a successful implementation. These fact-based diagnostics of end-to-end value chains are especially helpful for leaders in new positions or leaders looking for architecting the next business transformation.

Find out more about Business Analysis for Organisations

Learn more about strategy workshops with Business Excellence Academy to create an inspiring vision and winning strategy you also successfully execute. Focus on Europe: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, France, Spain.

Practical Workshops

Having an experienced facilitator allows you to focus on your business. Furthermore, Business Excellence Academy workshops are practical, focused and fun.

See more about our workshops.

Hands-On Training

Want to be even more effective at work than today? Then, join our instructor-led courses on Actionable Strategy, Change Management, Operational Excellence, effective presentations or Lean Six Sigma. In fact, easy understanding and practical application is what we stand for. So, you can use the learning to deliver results in praxis right away.

Review our education programs and training courses.

Teaching lean six sigma and more
Lean Six Sigma Certification

Lean Six Sigma Certifications

Exceptional competencies should be recognized. Especially, when professionals use them successfully in the real-life settings. The Business Excellence Academy Lean Six Sigma certifications proves your mastery. They are for all competency levels: Green Belts, Black Belts as well as Master Black Belts.

Coaching and Mentoring

Classroom courses are a great place to learn. Still; the mastery comes from the application. To make your learning  faster and more successful, work with our experienced coaches. You not only learn better, but also deliver significant results to your business.

Team up with a coach or a mentor.

Iveta Gruttner, founder of the Business Excellence Academy
people delivering results


Is an effective transformational change what you are looking for? Then, we are keen to help you to orchestrate it. Let’s turn your strategic ambitions into a reality, and make them stick.

Then; get in touch with Iveta today!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Aristotle (367 BC–347 BC)