Lean Six Sigma Education

Black Belt Certification

Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are globally recognised as highly skilled project leaders who deliver through their improvement projects significant sustainable results that matter to customers and their companies. Advanced project management expertise coupled with structured fact-based problem solving, strong analytical competencies and ability to lead cross-functional project teams are in high demand by companies regardless of their size, type and sector. Becoming a certified Black Belt is opening further opportunities for carrier advancements and professional grow.

typical candidate

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification is a logical next step for experienced project management professionals who hold a Black Belt role in their organizations, or have been leading cross-functional improvement projects over a longer period of time.


  • Manages complex process improvement projects
  • Leads cross-functional project teams
  • Teaches and coaches Yellow Belts and Green Belts
  • Facilitates improvement workshops
  • Identifies improvement opportunities, and supports selection of Lean Six Sigma projects 
  • Captures best practices, and actively contributes to further development of lean six sigma capabilities in his/her organization

core competencies:

  • Strong knowledge of Lean Six Sigma methodology, especially the DMAIC approach
  • Customer focused
  • Business savvy with very good analytical competencies and financial awareness
  • Team player and project leader able to motivate individuals and teams to drive improvements across the organisation and beyond
  • Ability to see beyond the status quo
  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Works effectively across hierarchy levels
  • Result-driven with a passion for improvements and implementation

value to your company:

  • Increased customer and employee satisfaction, better quality, functioning processes, less waste, and other positive impact on your organisational performance
  • Noticeable financial gains of several hundred of Euros annually. Black Belts complete two or more project per year with a financial benefits generally between €40.000 and €500.000 per project.

value to you:

  • Professional recognition highly valued on the market across virtually all functions, sectors and company types.
  • First in class project management competencies enabling greater customer satisfaction, effective project teamwork and business results that matter
  • Confirmed abilities to drive cross-functional improvements


  • None. The required experience and expertise is incorporated into Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification criteria.

You do not need to be a certified Green Belt to apply for Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification.


1. Experience

  • Completed successfully as project leader at least two Lean Six Sigma Black Belt projects
  • Delivered through Lean Six Sigma projects, annualised and normalized* financial savings of  €200.000 or more, or a revenue contribution of €400.000 or more, or a combination of both

2. Education

3. Examination

  • Passed Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam with a score of at least 75%.

* As financial savings might be easier to achieve in some countries than others, the different cost levels will be taken into consideration. Therefore; BBs practicing in low-cost countries fulfil their certification requirement also with a lower equivalent of financial benefits.

application process:

  1. Register for your Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification.
  2. Take a Black Belt exam* (an open-book test with multiple-choice questions)
  3. Submit your project portfolio*
  4. Receive your Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certificate or a feedback

* Currently available in English only.

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”

— Lucius Annaeus Seneca


  • Certification Fee: €399 VAT-exclusive
  • Re-certification: up to €259 VAT-exclusive

The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (BB) certification is valid for three years. After than; BBs can re-certify.

typical Black belt project:

  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt projects are: 
  • rather complex; a solution to problems, they are solving, is not known upfront,
  • important to your project sponsor and your organisation,
  • often cross-functional,
  • generally completed within six months
  • while delivering financial benefits generally between €40.000 and €200.000 or more.


To keep your Lean Six Sigma Black Belts certification current, you can re-certify:

  • through your work experience, further education and alike


  • by re-taking* the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam.

* For re-certification it is not required to submit additional project experience.