Agile Lean Six Sigma Education

Green Belt Certification Course

Agile Lean Six Sigma is a structured problem solving methodology to run improvement projects. It is a proven approach to turn problems into viable solutions that work, are successfully implemented and generate a measurable impact that is sustained.

Six Sigma and Lean Management are nowadays common methodologies used to manage process improvement projects by many organizations around the globe. Professionals from any function and industry practice Agile Lean Six Sigma

Trained and certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belts are globally recognised as skilled project managers who deliver through their projects sustainable results that matter to customers and their companies. Green Belts lead Lean Six Sigma Green Belt projects, usually within a particular functional area or with a manageable collaboration together with other functions within or outside the company. Green Belts also participate as team members on more complex Lean Six Sigma Black Belt projects.

Green Belt Courses with a Lean Six Sigma Certification

Why to participate

  • Generate results which matter
  • Improve quality of your products and services
  • Smoothen your processes while removing waste, frustrations and overburden
  • Advance competencies in the area of problem solving, process improvement and project management
  • Prepare for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification, a certification in a high demand on today´s employment market worldwide
Learn advanced analytics with Lean Six Sigma in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia or elsewhere

Learning objectives:

  • Understand what Lean Six Sigma has to offer
  • Recognize different roles on Lean Six Sigma projects
  • Learn a structured problem solving methodology (DMAIC) with many effective tools and methods to run process improvement projects. Especially; learn how to:
  • Define, scope and staff projects for success
  • Grasp customers´ and other key stakeholders´ expectations related to your project
  • Collect facts and use analytical methods to evaluate and analyse problems, and later on validate your solutions
  • Develop and implement solutions that works and are accepted by those involved
  • Deliver a measurable impact from your project
  • Sustain improvements over time
  • Get ready for your first (or a next) Lean Six Sigma Green Belt project
  • Prepare for your Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification

At Business Excellence Academy we aim to make your learning easy, fun and successful in the end.

course duration:

  • 6 days (two blocks of three days each)


The course can be given in any of the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Czech

typical participants:

  • Anyone who is looking to advance his/her career, and to strengthen own problem solving, process improvement and project management competencies.
  • Professionals, regardless of their function or industry, at all levels in the organisation who lead or chair process improvement projects, or participate on cross-functional project teams.
  • Typical roles benefiting from the Green Belt education include project managers, process owners, process architects, team leaders, department heads and other line managers, project champions (also called project sponsors or  steering committee members), as well as Lean Six Sigma project team members.


  • PC users
  • Some affinity to data and analytics
  • We recommend that you come to the Green Belt course with a project idea on your mind. This allows you to apply learnings from the training on real work situations.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.”

— Albert Einstein


  • Download a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt education brochure, or contact us. See Business Excellence Academy contact information below.

Learn from an experienced Master Black Belt with years of real-life Lean Six Sigma experience at global organisations from various sectors and different regions.

in-house courses:

Do you prefer an in-house learning focused on your work environment? In that case, we come to your site, and tune the course to your business needs and schedule. 

In order to find out more about an in-house course at your desired location, please get in touch with us!

Interested in Teaming Up with Another Company for a Joint Course? Then, let us know!

individual one-to-one courses:

Would you like to have the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt class just for you and your project team? Do you want apply Lean Six Sigma to your own project directly in the course, and have an experienced Lean Six Sigma coach to guide you through?

Then; consider for your Green Belt education the Business Excellence Academy individual Green Belt course with embedded coaching. You learn the theory, and immediately apply it on your own project.

In individual one-to-one courses we can also fine-tune the methodology, tools and methods to your problem on hand.


Coaching sessions are one-on-one discussion with an experienced Master Black Belt (MBB). The MBB becomes your coach and mentor in regards of application of Lean Six Sigma in real word situations. He or she will assist you to apply the Lean Six Sigma methodology on your Green Belt project. The coaching sessions take place remotely or in the form of face-to-face meetings.

To learn more about our coaching offerings page.

Would you like to have an experienced Coach to work with you to apply Lean Six Sigma on your Green Belt project? Then, Book with your course also your coaching sessions.


Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification is highly valued on the current employment market. Participation on the Green Belt course together with a Green Belt exam belong to Lean Six Sigma certification requirements. 

The Business Excellence Academy Green Belt courses are concluded with an optional Lean Six Sigma Green Belt exam. We will be systematically preparing you throughout the entire course for your Lean Six Sigma application in praxis and for the exam. Our objective is to make your learning easier, fun and successful in the end.

To learn more about the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification, please visit our certification page.